The low IMDb score really sells this film short. I wasn't expecting much but was pleasantly surprised by this small 7m£ production. The production values are top notch and the production design reminded me a bit of 'Moon'. The VFX and designs are by Weta and of the quality we've come to know and love. The posters is not plastered with big names -with Liev Shreiber being the most recognizable one- but who cares; the performances were nothing to complain about. If you have to nag about something you could say that it doesn't bring anything REALLY new but you can say that about so many films. The Last Days on Mars is well executed and scary. If you like the space horror genre you can't skip this one: recommended!
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
This movie started out promising - great cinematography, giving the viewer the impression they really were observing the exploration of Mars. But by the time the movie is halfway over, the astronauts are all in grave danger, as one discovery seems to cause hallucinations and make a couple of the astronauts turn into mutated beings, intent on killing everyone else in the party.The camera shots become too jumpy to follow the action, and we lose track of which astronaut(s) are turning evil. Furthermore, none of the characters are particularly likable, especially the female ones, who come off as angry and selfish. They all seem more intent on getting the credit for any significant discoveries made on the mission than working as a team.Skip this movie. There are better movies out there about exploring Mars.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I liked it!!! I didn't love it, but I liked it!!! A great sci-fi horror movie. That's all I expected from it and I liked it. One thing, though and this may be a spoiler of sorts so consider yourself warned. All the dialogue that was at the beginning left me wishing that the whole movie could have been like that, not fall to the usual horror genre. The beginning was very intelligent and entertaining. The actors were very good together! The back and fourth worked. Too bad it had to fall to the monster movie thrill pack it ended up being although I liked the ending. Yes, I got what I expected and I liked it. It's had the potential to be so much more.